Raspberry Pi Webmin Install & Updates Via apt-get
required searches during my daily work, collected for reference
# sudo mkdir /media/windows-share
# sudo mount -t vboxsf folder-name /media/windows-share
variable for forming the option and usermeta keys names, where it's storing the roles and capabilities information. So once you change the prefix, but don't update your db, you get this error. Here's how to fix it - execute this SQL command through phpMyAdmin, or a different interface for interacting with your DB(you can do it with PHP as well):UPDATE `{%TABLE_PREFIX%}usermeta` SET `meta_key` = replace(`meta_key`, '{%OLD_TABLE_PREFIX%}', '{%NEW_TABLE_PREFIX%}');
UPDATE `{%TABLE_PREFIX%}options` SET `option_name` = replace(`option_name`, '{%OLD_TABLE_PREFIX%}', '{%NEW_TABLE_PREFIX%}');
is your current $table_prefix
(as set in wp-config.php
is your previous $table_prefix
is your new(current) $table_prefix
- it will most-likely be the same as your {%TABLE_PREFIX%}
was wp_test_
and your new one is wp_
, you would do this query:UPDATE `wp_usermeta` SET `meta_key` = replace(`meta_key`, 'wp_test_', 'wp_');
UPDATE `wp_options` SET `option_name` = replace(`option_name`, 'wp_test_', 'wp_');
Link to the Original Post!!!